Welcome to The Quiet Activists

A space for sensitive souls who want to transform climate anxiety into inspired action.

Hi I'm Alex, I'm your host in the new Quiet Activists Online Community!


What is The Quiet Activist

Anxiety, grief, fear, heartbreak, hopelessness, anger or feeling stuck...

The climate crisis is triggering a wide range of complex emotions in all of us. Often, we don't know what to call them or what to do with them. Validating those emotions and caring for ourselves is a first step in stepping into our "activist" role. 

You may not see yourself as an activist. Too often, it is brings up ideas of protest, lobbying, or confrontation that may be too overwhelming. However, there are many ways to take positive action in the face of climate change that also honor our sensitive nature. In fact, our participation is essential.

Imagine it is a year from now and you have found your voice and your pace as a quiet activist... What are you doing, eating, creating, talking about (...) that is good for the planet and aligned with your values, your personality and skills, and your lifestyle? What personal "eco-challenge" have you met because you had a tribe (and a coach) to cheer you on, to challenge you, and to hold you accountable? What self-care practices have become habits thanks to the constant, gentle reminders from the community that caring for the planet starts with caring for yourself? What are you celebrating and most proud of?

It's all possible. And I'm here to help.

The Quiet Activists is a virtual community where shy, introverted, highly sensitive and empathic souls can explore their experiences in response to climate change and transform the overwhelm into inspired action. 

Think of it as a yoga class for the mind, a support group that is lively and fun, a group coaching program where you find your own insights, an online course that is engaging even if you don't like school, a book club without having to read much, a library of bite-size content available when you need it...

The Quiet Activists is all of this. We'll learn together through discussions about hand-picked content related to climate solutions, personal development or live conversations with guest speakers; we'll play and challenge each other with coaching questions for reflections, polls, and challenges; we'll inspire our group by sharing ideas and small wins; and we'll get to know and support one another via chats, live meetings, and more.

Together we can find our unique voices as quiet activists, transform overwhelm into inspired action and make a positive impact on the planet.

The Quiet Activist is your very own sanctuary.

Maybe you are...

A quiet, introverted, shy, or highly sensitive person who really cares about the planet but don’t feel like you have the personality to be an activist

Feeling lost, scared, angry, overwhelmed, sad, or stuck at the thought of the climate crisis and don’t have the words to express it or the tools to bounce back

Starting or re-starting a career and want to spend most of your waking hours on something meaningful but don't know where to start

A parent worried about the future and wondering what kind of world your child is going to live in

Willing to do something, but don't know what because it all seems to expensive or too much of a lifestyle change

The Quiet Activists community is for you!

What you'll find

Curated content. You can access all the information you want on google. So much so that your head might be spinning. As your host, I hand-pick content like positive climate news, stories of innovations and influencers, self-care techniques and the most effective practices for sustainable change — All so that you don’t have to sort out through all the noise yourself.

Generative conversations — the themes, content, questions, activities and challenges are positive, inspiring, and uplifting. We’re not Pollyannas: we make space for the difficult emotions without shame or guilt. Then, we deliberately put our attention on what works to get us unstuck. 

Bite-size format to fit busy lives — you won’t need to spend hours scrolling, reading or studying. I understand how much you juggle so all content is short, sweet, and easily actionable. And it’s mobile friendly.

An ad-free, safe, and private space — this is your sanctuary. You can customize your notifications and topics and take it at your own pace. 

People who "get it!" —  The Quiet Activists is a supportive, non-judgmental community where it’s ok to be vulnerable, as much or as little as you want to.

What you'll get out of it

A personal transformation — moving from climate-anxiety, eco-grief, and hopelessness into hope, agency, and inspired action that helps the planet.

Immediate results — You don’t need to commit to a year to see the impact this community can have in your life. From day 1, you can experiment with tiny steps to feel better and make a difference.

The support of a personal development and climate coach at your fingertips — I’m passionate about personal growth, I’m highly sensitive, I am overwhelmed by climate change, and I’m a certified coach. I get you, and I’m here for you.

The best tips and latest tools from the world of positive psychology, behavioral science, and coaching. My favorite approach: Appreciative Inquiry

A tribe! You don’t have to do it alone. Meeting other introverted, shy, highly empathic or sensitive souls is where it starts. We’re here to inspire and challenge each other, to hold each other accountable, to create momentum, and to lift each other up — especially on those tough days.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Additional benefits

Sign up now and get a free month trial to get a feel for the community

Discounts on one-on-one coaching sessions with Alex

Your own tree!
I am a proud supporter of Coach4Planet, a global movement aiming to plant 10 million trees in 3 years to support the SDGs of the UN, in particular n°13 Climate Action and n°15 Life on Land and the World Economic Forum’s, One Trillion Tree Initiative. For each new member (paid subscription), I will make a donation to plant a tree in your name. Trees are unique and tagged so that you receive email updates and can watch them grow!  

Join The Quiet Activists to get your own tree!

What The Quiet Activists is NOT

A place to vent — while all emotions that arise in the face of climate change are welcome, we are willing to transform the negative energy that keeps us stuck into fuel that helps us move forward.

A place to be told what to do — while I share tools and resources, I am not here to give advice. We believe that we have all the answers we need within us. 

A place to sit and wait — this is an active community for sharing and receiving. We are co-creating, collaborating and contributing all of our talents and experiences for the good of the group.

A place for judgment or political opinions — we respect and value all people and opinions, acknowledge that there is no right or wrong answer, and celebrate diversity in all its forms.

Give it a try and get a free month trial.

About Me

I'm Alex Arnold (she/her),

 your personal development & climate coach.

I'm originally from France and I moved to the U.S. at 21. Since then, I've been through many transitions: marriage, adoption, divorce, starting graduate school in my 30's, shifting career at midlife, starting a business, getting a puppy, discovering that I am a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), learning to trust my intuition, and getting back on a horse.

My most recent transformation has been to face the overwhelming feelings that arise when I think of climate change and decide that my way of making a difference is by combining my coach training and passion for personal growth to become a climate coach.

I've learned that courage is not the absence of fear, but the ability to move ahead in spite of it. And... we don't have to do it all alone. 

Join my private community of sensitive souls who are overwhelmed by climate change so that together, we can transform anxiety, fear and hopelessness into inspired action... in a way that truly works for you.

My promise to you is that by stepping into The Quiet Activists community, you’ll find a source of positivity, whether it shows up as validation, reassurance, curiosity, inspiration, connection, learning or a good challenge.

Not sure yet? Please reach out. Let’s have a conversation to see if The Quiet Activists is the right fit for your unique needs and situation.

Are you still hesitant to jump in? I completely understand. Please reach out so we can get to know each other one-on-one to see if we're a good fit:

Alex (she/her) Arnold
Personal Development and Climate Coach
Alma Coaching
[email protected]